Westridge Auburn HOA
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024 via Webex

  1. Call Meeting to Order: 6:03 pm (Doug)


  1. Attendance and Verification of Quorum

Roll Call


Board Members:

Doug Bunting (President)


Matt Archer (Secretary)


Angela Seo (Treasure)

HOA Manager:



None Present


None Present


  1. Reading & Approval of Minutes from prior BOD Meeting
    1. January 19, 2024 - Approved (Unanimous)


  1. Ratification of voting report for “in between meeting” votes
    1. Record of voting between meetings – Approved (Unanimous)

Issue Number

Date Voted

Issue Title



ACC Retro Request Landscape Change, Retaining Walls



ACC Homeowner Would Like To Build 2 Retaining Walls



Retro ACC Driveway Extension Pavers



HOA Dues Late Fee Waiver Request (online vote after the meeting)



Vote For Eydie To Waive HOA Dues Late Fees Per Meeting Discussion



2023 1120H Tax Return And Engagement For Board Approval And Signature.



ACC Request For Solar Panel Installation-approved provisionally

  1. Reports of Officers: President, Vice Presidents, and Treasurer and any Committee leads
    1. Treasurers Report: 
      1. Westridge Auburn Financials Summary - 2024/4

Operating Balance:



Total Reserves:



Total Assets:



      1. Unpaid 2024 Dues – Two homes outstanding.
        1. Board Authorized HOA Manager to send lien & collection notices in June.


  1. Property Manager’s Report
    1. Nothing at this time.


  1. Old Business
    1. Open Issues that require board approval
      1. Nothing at this time.
    2. CC&R Amendment Progress – Pending Attorney Response
      1. The Board will consider revisions to Article XII Section 8 – Garbage and Refuse and Article XII Section 20 – Gardens, Play Equipment, Sport Courts, Pools, Spas and Basketball Standards. 
      2. Enforcement of basketball hoop and garbage cans standards will remain on hold pending the outcome of the official vote from homeowners.   
    3. Track D Safety
      1. A few safety concerns have been raised regarding motorized vehicles in Tract D.  HOA can work with City of install no trespassing signs to mitigate liabilities.  Board to review further in 2024.
    4. Tract D Landscaping
      1. HOA to continue to prune/maintain blackberry bushes in Tract D up to homeowner fence lines (potions on homeowner property).  Board to draft notification letters to affected homeowners for awareness for awareness.
    5. Inspection Schedule:

May         Joe    

June        Matt

July         Doug

Aug         Angela

Sept        Mike   

    1. HOA Insurance
      1. Insurance increasing July 2024:
        1. $2500 Deductible
        2. Premium increasing TBD
    2. Corporate Transparency Act
      1. HOA to review in Q3.
  1. New business 
    1. New Open that require board approval:

Issue Number

Issue Title


Late Charges Waiver Request For 3 Months Of Charges: Financial: HOA Dues

    1. Open ACC Requests:

Issue Number

Issue Title


Retro ACC Driveway Extension Pavers: ACC/PIC Request: Driveway Extension

    1. Landscaping:
      1. Rain City has been responsive to service requests.
    2. Social Activities:
      1. New Events
        1. Jul 4th Bike Parade.
        2. National Night Out – August 6th.
    3. SB 5796
      1. HOA Manager to request quote from attorney to review CC&R changes to comply with SB5796.
    4. Record of Voting:
      1. Record of voting during meeting – Approved (Unanimous)

Issue Number

Date Voted

Issue Title



Late Charges Waiver Request For 3 Months Of Charges: Financial: HOA Dues

  1. Next BOD Meeting: July 16, 2023, at 7:00 PM
  2. Motion to Adjourn Regular Meeting: 7:31 pm