Lake Winterwood BOD Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2024

Location: Rick Schmid's House

General Meeting (6:30 pm)

1) Meeting called to order 6:32 pm by Dave C.

2) Attendance and verification of quorum: Dave C., Elizabeth T., Rick S., Chris M. (Michael L. excused)

Guest(s): Eydie Leighty (

3) Approval of Minutes from March BoD Meeting: Motion to approve.  Approved.

4) Voting Report; ratify decisions/votes taken since last meeting:  Motion to ratify.  Ratified.


Date Voted

Issue Title



Invest Partial Reserves Funds into Staggered CDs at Edward Jones as advised by Treasurer



Vote to Approve Expenditure for two gate keys $50 pl tx



ACC Request For Removal Of Trees



Approve March Meeting Minutes



Reserve Sport Court, North Field and have Limited Access Gate Open for Easter Egg Hunt.

5) Financial Review March statement:

  • Income/Dues delinquencies: 4 homeowners 1 month delinquent. Late fee and interest applied.
  • Expenses: March expenses totaled $6,898.99.  HOA insurance correct amount: $1,229.83 to American Family Insurance.  $220.00 for PNW CPA for tax preparation.  $57.30 additional limited access gate keys.  Safety flyer reimbursement to Lindsay C. for $39.14. March expenses include $4,218.18 for PLM landscape (should be $4,127.31).  Adjustment will be reflected in April statement. 
  • Reserve Balance: $74,685.79

Acknowledgements: Special Thanks to Carol & Jeff Messecar and their team of volunteers: Erica Meyer, Kristal Burke, Blayne Sanden, Amanda Montoya-White, Allison Miller and Michael Lee in coordinating and providing our kids with a very Successful Easter Egg Hunt!  50 kids participated, 1,600 eggs filled with treats and lots of prizes shared with the children.  Fun was had by all!

6) Old Business

  • Issue 21264: ACC request for new fence: pending approval.
  • Issue 21046: Vehicle parking/storage: request for extension to 4/15/24 pending approval.
  • Issue 21263: ACC request for patio, deck replacement/improvement: approved.
  • Issue 21209: ACC request for deck replacement/improvement: approved.
  • Issue 21208: Repairs & Upkeep: in process. Dave C. to follow up with PLM
  • Issue 21207: Tree maintenance in greenbelt: in process. Dave C. to follow up.
  • Lake Treatment: Aqua Technex, LLC: bid in the process. Requesting bid from Northwest Lake Cleaning for comparison.
  • Neighborhood traffic safety: addressing speed control. Discussed speed monitors, flashing lights around stop sign.  Eydie suggested looking into King County city speed study where monitors are used for data collection.  Board will do more research.
  • Little Library: Purchase and installation. Dave C. will purchase.  Chris M. will step up and take the lead on installation and management of our community “Little Library”  Chris will reach out to Susan L. to share ideas to keep this project moving forward.  Thanks Chris for stepping up to enhance our community with a “Little Library”

LW Committee updates:

  • Events:
    • Easter Egg Hunt: Great Success! Thank you to Carol Messecar and team of volunteers! 
    • Garage Sale: Friday optional, Saturday, June 8, to coordinate with Winterwood Estates – Need Lead Volunteer.
    • Bike Parade: Saturday, June 29th
    • Clean Up Day: Saturday, July 13th
    • National Night Out: Tuesday, August 6th
    • Halloween Spooktacular: Saturday, October 26th
    • Annual Meeting: Wednesday, September 11th
  • Communications: no new report at this time.
  • Maintenance: Rick gave an update on maintenance: small lake fountain still pulses. He and Dwight M. will fix next month.  Need to check in with George on timing to start big lake fountain.  Rick will also follow up with George T. and Mike T. on Maintenance Manual. Tree Removal Issue: Residents that wish to remove trees from their property must follow our community Tree Removal/Replanting Guidelines.  Put reminder in newsletter that there is a 2-step process in removal and replanting of trees.
  • Limited Access Gate dedication: board approved verbiage for plaque to be placed on middle bollard of gate.
  • Safety: Trespass violation/Safety concerns: 4/2 incident reported kids swimming in lake and tormenting nesting geese on the island of big lake (kids were visiting residents, contact was made, issue resolved). As summer approaches we all need to be vigilant regarding non-residents trespassing in our community.  Incident 2: Kids sited running along the railroad tracks in back of playground common area.  Homeless makeshift encampment sited along railroad tracks  Elizabeth to reach out to Chief Easterbrook, Covington Chief of Police.  Next safety meeting: Tuesday, May 14th, 7 pm.

7) New Business

8) Next BOD Meeting:  Monday, May 6th , (amended-actually May 13), 6:30 pm, Elizabeth T’s, lot #13

9) Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm