NOTE: This article is currently being edited and is not to be considered final. This message will be removed once complete.
March 18, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Federal Way Library, 7 pm
Attendees: Pat Simmons, President;; Sue Ellebrecht, Treasurer; Jackie White, Secretary;
Absent: Randy Cunningham, Vice-President; Jennifer Williams, At-Large
Guests: Andrea Kaul, Margaret Nelson, Allen Nelson, Jerry Campbell, Dennis Collier, Scott Chase, Lesa Chase, Delfa Quinn, Terry Quinn, Matt Clement, Melinda Ruiz
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.
2. M/S/P to approve minutes of board meeting on February 15, 2019.
3. M/S/P to approve the agenda.
4. Treasurer’s Report
March starting balance - $4,245.25
Member dues paid - $155.00
HOA Online payment - $64.00
Post Office Box fee - $106
March ending balance - $4230.25
6. Old Business
6.1 Continued discussions with attorney. Some answers created new questions to ask. Final legal recommendation
still pending.
6.2 Lot owners were assured that the HOA board did not have any intentions of changing already permanent
structures/roofs; if any policies change, they will be grandfathered in.
6.3 Continued monitoring for code violations.
7. New Business - none
8. Next month’s meeting is April 22, 2019 in the Library, large room. (Note meeting was subsequently cancelled due to no quorum available)
9. M/S/P to adjourn at 7:55 pm.