February 25, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Federal Way Library, 7 pm
Attendees: Pat Simmons, President; Sue Ellebrecht, Treasurer; Jackie White, Secretary; Jennifer Williams, At-Large
Absent: Randy Cunningham, Vice-President
Guests: Eydie, Leighty, Michael Leighty, Andrea Kaul, Debbie Walker, Dave Walker, Margaret Nelson, Allen Nelson, Jerry Campbell, Dennis Collier, Scott Chase, Lisa Chase
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
2. M/S/P to approve the agenda.
3. M/S/P to approve minutes of board meeting on January 14, 2019.
4. M/S/P to approve minutes of board meeting on January 21, 2019.
5. Treasurer’s Report
February starting balance - $3,910.36
Member dues paid (19) - $465.00
HOA Online payment - $130.11
February ending balance - $4245.25
6. Old Business
6.1 Continued discussions with attorney. Some answers created new questions to ask. Final legal recommendation
still pending.
7. New Business
7.1 Pat Simmons asked past president, Scott Chase, for the boxes of old HOA files. Scott indicated that he gave us
everything (one box with two binders) and that he did not have anything else.
8. Next month’s meeting is March 18, 2019
9. M/S/P to adjourn at 7:45 pm.